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Sales of disposable e-cigarettes in Germany fell by 10%, the pod system era is coming - Ihr E-Zigaretten Shop mit Tiefstpreisgarantie und Blitzversand. Kaufen Sie Heute - Morgen geliefert! Online und Offline. E-Zigaretten und E-Liquid Shop - Preisgünstig E-Zigaretten vor Ort kaufen ✓ Grosse Auswahl ✓ Gute Preise ✓ Expertenwissen ✓ Dampfer aus Überzeugung.

Recently I saw a piece of data worth paying attention to. The proportion of mainstream one-time services in Germany is weakening. According to published data, this year’s proportion is 30%, a decrease of 10 percentage points from last year.

According to German news agency, Dortmund’s Tobacco Freedom Alliance (BfTG) recently published industry estimates that while disposables remain mainstream in the mass market, their popularity has waned. Currently, disposable products account for 30% of the e-atomization market, a decrease of 10 percentage points from 2022. And these figures are based on surveys of alliance members, namely German dealers and manufacturers.


Does this mean a change in the e-atomization consumption model?

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(Changes in German consumption patterns?)

The German BfTG also pointed out the reason. The main reason for this decline in share is the emergence of new more sustainable electronic atomization products. These products only need to replace the cartridges, while electronic atomization cigarettes can be recycled multiple times. Dustin Dahlmann, head of the alliance, said trends this year are evolving in the direction of “sustainability.”

At present, Germany is planning to ban disposable products, and environmentalists have criticized disposable products. It is pointed out that the e-liquid must be completely discarded after the e-liquid is consumed, and the built-in battery cannot be recycled. This approach puts great pressure on the environment. These disposables can also cause fires if thrown into the trash by mistake.

From this point of view, in response to a trend in Germany or Europe, many electronic atomization suppliers may have begun to adjust their product lines. Some companies have launched electronic atomization equipment that can be used repeatedly, and only need to replace the cartridges in the equipment ( Pod) to load new e-liquid. The German BfTG currently states that the market share of such recyclable products has reached 15% and is on the rise. Companies like Elfbar now offer reusable variants as well. Basic electrical equipment is used many times and only the plastic boxes (containers) containing the liquid are thrown away.

What is even more concerning is that in addition to reloading cartridges, refillable e-liquid e-atomizers are also penetrating into the German market.


The analysis pointed out that there is also a traditional e-atomizer filled with e-liquid on the German market. It is completely reusable and only requires adding e-liquid to the device without producing any waste.


Although overseas exports are currently very busy, Germany is still an important market in Europe, and e-atom sales have grown significantly this year. BfTG predicts that e-cigarette sales in Germany will reach 810 million euros in 2023, an increase of 40% from 2022 data.


Such a good prospect has also attracted many tobacco companies to the ongoing Dortmund International Tobacco Exhibition, which has also attracted many electronic atomization suppliers to exhibit.

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It can be seen that disposable products are experiencing a sales boom in Europe, but after being criticized by the political and scientific circles, what path these disposable products will take is also worthy of attention!